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Tag: Beauty Rituals

Beauty Rituals | Hair Care

Beauty Rituals | Hair Care

We all want thick, shiny hair like a Pantene commercial, and hope that a bottle of shampoo will fix all our problems. I have a few simple tips to help you cultivate your best coif possible.

Beauty Rituals | Eye Care

Beauty Rituals | Eye Care

The eyes are a very delicate part of our skin that needs a lot of TLC. After all, you want the “window to your soul” to be bright and cheerful, right? Here are some of my tips and tricks that I use to take care […]

Beauty Rituals | Moisturize

Beauty Rituals | Moisturize

Now this is a beauty ritual that I hope everyone already does, and if you don’t you’d better start today!

Beauty Rituals | Toning

Beauty Rituals | Toning

Disclaimer: This post contains some affiliate links, which means that I may make a small commission if you purchase something from a link provided.    TONING is often a forgotten step in people’s beauty routines. I know I have gone through phases where I tone […]

Beauty Rituals | Steaming

Beauty Rituals | Steaming

Steaming is another beauty ritual that I think doesn’t make it into people’s beauty routines often enough. Now there are a couple ways you can steam: either just with your face over a hot bowl/pot of water, or with your whole body in a steam […]

Beauty Rituals | Exfoliation

Beauty Rituals | Exfoliation

This beauty ritual kind of piggy backs off dry brushing, but I thought it needed it’s own post because there’s much more to exfoliation than a good dry brush. You also need to make sure you exfoliate your face, in addition to your body.

Beauty Rituals | Dry Brushing

Beauty Rituals | Dry Brushing

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” Coco Chanel   This year, I am bringing you all a monthly series about beauty rituals. A lot of them you may already know, but I hope to make it fun, and perhaps, include some beauty tips […]