“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
Coco Chanel
This year, I am bringing you all a monthly series about beauty rituals. A lot of them you may already know, but I hope to make it fun, and perhaps, include some beauty tips and tricks that you may not have heard of that you could make part of your routine.
Some posts might be short, some might be longer than others, but I will share benefits associated with certain beauty routines, share my practices, and some of my favorite products with you all. This month’s beauty ritual is about DRY BRUSHING your skin.

DRY BRUSHING is a healthy beauty routine that I think not enough people know about. Our skin is the biggest organ on our bodies, yet most of us neglect our skin every day. From not using sunscreen, to not exfoliating, to not properly hydrating our skin (and bodies), or just exposing ourselves to all sorts of chemicals and pollutants in our everyday environment, our skin takes a lot.
Here are some of the benefits of dry brushing:
Detoxification is one of the main benefits from dry brushing your skin. DRY BRUSHING is supposed to help stimulate the lymphatic system; the powerhouse in your body responsible for removing toxins. It also improves your circulation, which can in turn, improve many of your bodily functions, including your immune system.
DRY BRUSHING removes dead skin cells from your body. Regular exfoliation of the entire body helps renew the skin, and keep it looking fresh and healthy.
Reduces Cellulite
A routine of regular dry brushing is supposed to help smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite (because of the lymphatic stimulation and detoxification). I have read in several magazines over the years that it is a practice that many models and actresses do, so maybe there is something to it!?
DRY BRUSHING feels good, like a light massage, so it has the same relaxing benefits as a massage (and it is a lot cheaper!)
I usually DRY BRUSH every time I take a bath, which is once a week. In writing this post, however, I think I need to up my dry-brushing game, and do it more often so I can update you later with results!
When I dry brush, I can tell the difference in my skin’s softness before and after. After a good dry brush and bath (or shower), I always give myself a good moisturize and it makes my skin feel baby soft! It also looks nice and smooth, with a healthier appearance.
I like to moisturize with GRAPESEED OIL or APRICOT KERNEL OIL. They are so light, absorb quickly, and keep your skin really healthy!
My favorite thing about dry brushing though, is that it is very invigorating. After a good dry brush, the water seems a little hotter than usual when you get in your shower, giving you a better bathing experience, and it makes me feel more energized afterwards. I also feel like it helps calm me, and helps reduce anxiety symptoms.
How To
- Get a natural bristle brush HERE (a longer handle is easier to use on your whole body). Synthetic bristles will irritate and scratch your skin, so get a natural brush.
- With your skin (and brush) dry, brush your entire body with long gentle strokes starting at your feet, brushing up in upward strokes. Brushing in the upward motion is very important because brushing away from the heart is said to cause ruptured vessels and varicose veins.
- When you’re done with your legs, brush your arms, brushing inward toward your heart, and then make your way around your chest, stomach, back and neck (brushing down from your neck).
- When you’re done dry brushing, shower/bathe, and then moisturize all over with a natural moisturizer (I prefer to use natural oils (unscented or mixed with a little essential oil), and every now and then some shea butter).
Here are some links to websites that have diagrams showing the proper direction to dry brush. One from Yoga by Candace, and one from Dr. Axe.
I encourage you to pick up a dry brush and reap the benefits of taking care of your skin. This practice is not just for the ladies either, so if you think you can convince your loved one to give it a go, get them a brush too! You can pick them up at a Wal Mart, Target, or ONLINE HERE!
Be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think about dry brushing, and how it has benefitted you! Also, SUBSSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER so you can stay up to date on what’s going down in the HQ!
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