My daughter, Greta, recently turned four and I made the mistake of buying her a couple bath bombs for her birthday. Okay, so it wasn’t really a mistake. I thought she’d have fun watching it dissolve in the tub and enjoy the smell, which she did. But the unintended consequence of giving a four year old a bath bomb is that they will want one every day!
Now I’m not against letting her have one regularly, but I am against the hefty $7.00 price tag per bomb that usually comes along with buying them in the store. Especially when I have made them before, and know that they can be made for pennies on the dollar…
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So, to feed my little four year old’s bath bomb addiction (and have some fun with her while I’m at it), I decided to buy some bath bomb molds from Amazon and get to work in the kitchen!

Greta loves to “make” with me in the kitchen. I think she calls it that because she loves to make and help with anything! And I love having my little assistant around to help me too… It was a perfect little activity to do while my other little helper had her afternoon nap.
Now although she couldn’t taste test this one at every stage like she usually does, she still had all the fun because it is really hands on and the essential oils smell oh so good! She told me again tonight how much fun she had, and that she wants to make more soon!
Here is the recipe:
The proportions in this recipe make enough to fill almost all the molds from the pack I bought here. Feel free to cut in half, double, etc. depending on how many bombs you’re making.

[wprm-recipe id=”6771″]
I know it is only October, but Christmas is officially less than three months away! If you like to DIY little gifts to give to people, there’s no time like the present to start planning and doing!
Not to mention bath bombs are a great gift, or add on to a gift that everyone loves…
I know I have mentioned it several times before, and in several posts, but I love to plan in advance and get stuff done early so I don’t feel so rushed to try to do everything when the time rolls around.
Especially when it comes to Christmas. I don’t want to feel rushed to make gifts, cook all the things, buy presents, decorate, and do ALL THE THINGS we as moms have to take care of during the holiday season. I’d rather spend time with my family and enjoy their company without so much stress and distraction.
By starting some DIY gifts now, you can break down some of those time consuming tasks, and make it a fun time making small batches of bath bombs here and there with your littles, or by yourself.
I love teaching my girl new ways to be creative and self sufficient… Trying to stoke that entrepreneurial spirit at a young age! She just loves having endless supplies of bath bombs and spending time with mom. Win, win in my book!

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Check out this post from last year for more DIY gift ideas. And also stay tuned for a post on all the details from Greta’s fourth birthday (a Frozen theme!).
Sharing is caring! Share this post to your social media channels and be sure to save it to your favorite DIY Pinterest board so you can come back to it later. Also feel free to check me out on IG @ShipsHQ to see what I’m up to from day to day. Cheers!

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