After Halloween it seems like time speeds up as we all get in full swing for the holiday season. What do you like to do to help get you through it all? It seems like every year there is more and more to do (especially once you have kids!).
Here’s what I do to stay relaxed and survive the hectic, but magical holiday season.
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Daily Body Restore. If you purchase something from a link provided on this post, I may earn a small commission from your purchase (at no additional cost to you). Ship’s HQ appreciates your support and thanks you! This post also consists of opinions of the author. Any health recommendations are based solely off the author’s experience. Consult your physician if you are planning on making any major lifestyle changes.
Have Gratitude
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of decorating your house, trying to find the perfect gifts for everyone on your list, among the many other things we have to do during this time of year. When I start getting stressed about things (or people) during the holidays, I try to focus on the reason for the season and be grateful for all of God’s blessings, no matter how small they might be.
There are so many people out there with no family; and people who are unable to see their family due to distance, or other restrictions… In the big scheme of things, most of the problems we have on a daily basis are pretty small if you think about it. I always try to count my blessings extra hard during the holidays. Don’t get upset if the turkey was a little dry, or if Santa didn’t get you what was on your list… I always try to pay it forward in some way to someone in need, and remember it’s about the quality of relationships we have with others, and not about the things you get, or how great the party turned out. Appreciate all those around you. Even that one person who always gets too drunk, or always makes a scene at family get togethers is a blessing to have at the table.

Stay Hydrated
Okay, so this is really something that applies 24/7, but it really helps to make sure you stay hydrated over the holiday season. In addition to helping prevent hangovers, staying hydrated helps improve digestion, banish headaches, improves mood, helps relieve fatigue, improves your complexion, among many other things. Enjoy a nice glass of H2O and you’re on your way to feeling (and looking) merry and bright!
Keep Your Skin Hydrated Too
I don’t know if it’s because of the pregnancy, but this year my skin (especially my face) has seemed extra dry. In addition to keeping my body hydrated internally, I also like to make sure I’m moisturizing and hydrating externally as well. For my nightly routine, I have been rotating between using face oils, Egyptian Magic (I put this around my eyes every night), and Tula’s Ultimate Recovery Mask (this is a mask, but I go to sleep with it on as it is a thicker cream). All are super hydrating (and are also great to use when traveling).
In the mornings, in addition to my SPF moisturizer, I have recently started using Evian Facial Spray to set my makeup. It is super hydrating, and also very refreshing!
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Stay Organized
Organization helps a lot in reducing stress this time of year. I always try to shop throughout the year for people, so I don’t have to rush around too much in the madness that is holiday shopping. Despite shopping throughout the year, however, I always have a few more gifts to get come November. To make sure I don’t forget anyone, I like to make a list of people I am giving gifts to, and cross things off the list as I get them done.
I also like to stay organized in the kitchen around this time of year. I try to stay on top of meals by having some homemade frozen meals on hand. You never know when you could be invited to a spur of the moment get together, or maybe you just get caught in a bunch of traffic trying to get some holiday shopping done after a long day of work. It might just be a day that you just don’t feel like cooking! I always think it’s nice to be able to just pop a ready made, homemade meal in the oven when you’re in a pinch. I like to make my frozen meals on Sundays when I’m just hanging out doing stuff around the house. Sometimes I will just double a recipe and freeze part of it when I am making a meal during the week.
In addition to having a ready made meals in the freezer, I like keeping the fridge stocked so I can throw together a quick appetizer for a party if need be. Not into cooking? Have a nice bottle of wine on hand to bring for the hosts of a party.

The Holidays are a time to be selfless, and to show extra care to others. However, don’t forget to show yourself a little TLC too! You can’t give others your best if you are not taking care of yourself! Yes, this means TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS. Especially during the holidays, adding additional supplements to your diet can help counter some of the unhealthy eating, and over-indulging that we all tend to do over the holidays.

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One of the main supplements I take (you can see my top ten list of supplements HERE) is a probiotic. I was recently gifted some probiotics from DAILY BODY RESTORE, and have been enjoying the the balance that a daily probiotic helps provide. I am especially loving Daily Body Restore’s probiotic supplement because it also combines digestive enzymes with the probiotic to help you absorb more nutrients from your food (and reduce bloating and gas). And an extra bonus with Daily Body Restore is that these probiotics are individually packaged in a flat packet so you can easily slip it in your purse to take on the go, and easily take it with every meal.
When I take probiotics and digestive enzymes regularly, I have noticed that I don’t get bloated, and overall, I just feel better, and have more energy and better mental clarity. When your gut is healthy everything else just tends to run better, and I especially need that as a soon to be mom of two!
YOU CAN FIND DAILY BODY RESTORE HERE. It is also available on Amazon and at Walmart.

Did you know that probiotics can help boost your immune system too? Along with probiotics, here are some other essential immunity boosters for cold and flu season (stocking stuffers anyone!?):
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Have you been over indulging? Try a detox for a few days, take a long, hot bath in some epsom salts, and get out and get some exercise! Adding some stretching exercises with yoga and barre workouts can do a lot to help reduce your stress. Too many holiday parties and get togethers? Take some quiet time to read, reflect on your life, and start on your new years resolutions. Just need to treat yourself? Buy yourself a new item of clothing, or get a massage!
Got that perfect, festive outfit for your next holiday party? While I am still working on that one for myself, I am always ready to celebrate knowing I have a good pair of SPANX on hand! I have been a loyal SPANX wearer since undergrad and they have come such a long way since the early 2000’s!
They have always had a great product, but now they have so much more than just underwear and tights. I love wearing them for the extra support they give you when you have to be on your feet all day, and I love that when you’re wearing them you know everything will stay smooth and in place! It’s always great to have a little confidence boost, right?
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What is your “go to” to help get you through the holiday season? Leave a comment and let me know! Also be sure to check out my Holiday Gift Guides and DIY Christmas Tutorials HERE.

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