Stocking stuffers. Is this something you neglect until last minute, or are you on top of it early on into the shopping season? Finding good stocking stuffers can be difficult at times (I think especially for the little ones because I don’t want just a bunch of candy in there!), but I’ve come up with these gift guides to help make it easy for you!

1. Dude Wipes (so he can stay clean on the go!) | 2. Pun-Tastic Dad Jokes | 3. LED Bike Light | 4. Bear Claws (for tearing apart grilled meat) | 5. Grill Scraper (for those places the brush has a hard time getting to) | 6. Golf Balls | 7. RFID Chip Credit Card Protector (to keep your credit cards safe when traveling) | 8. Charcoal Facial Scrub (great for acne!) | 9. Organic Peppermint Chap Stick | 10. LED Toilet Light ( for late at night-could be fun for the whole family if you have kids!)
Another good gift idea if the man you’re shopping for likes to grill is a Thermo Pro Meat Thermometer! It is a digital meat thermometer for grills and smokers that will help your grill master cook all your meats perfect every time. They also have all sorts of accessories to add to your pen including remote digital meat thermometers which helps you monitor the temperature of your meat while you are away from the grill as well!
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1. Stila Lipgloss and Mascara Set (Perfect colors for the holidays and under $20!) | 2. Paper Mate Colorful Felt Pen Set ( I love writing with these all the time, especially in my planner!) | 3. Pearl Hair Clips (Set of 10 for $6!) |4. Hair Scarf | 5. Reusable Silicone Straws | 6. CC Beanie (multiple colors!) |7. The Softest Socks (multiple colors!) | 8. Natural Facial Sponges | 9. Mario Badescu Grab n Go Travel Set (great for pimples!) | 10. Black and Leopard Belt Set
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I didn’t make a guide for kids because I’m still working on what to do for my little one! So far I have some new bath toys and a himalayan salt night light to put in her big girl room. She is really wanting to sleep in a big bed these days, so we’re working on getting her room ready for Christmas. That means she might not get a lot of little things, but a big reveal for Christmas!
One good gift for kids that I did find this year are collegiate themed legos! I bought my nephew a Gator Football Helmet for his birthday and I can’t wait for him to open it this weekend when we celebrate!
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- Photo Books from Mixbook: Photo books are always a great way to get your pictures off your phone and computer and into a memorable book that you can cherish forever. I love Mixbook and their book layouts (Need to start working on Greta’s 2nd year Mixbook!) They also frequently run 50% off deals and you can always get 50% off your first order, so check them out today!
- Framed Pictures from Framebridge: I ordered a set of framed pictures from Framebridge for Will this Christmas with pictures from one of the trips we went on this year. I can’t wait to give it to him they turned out so good, I know he will love it! Framebridge can literally frame anything, so if you’re wanting to add something unique to your home, or create a beautiful gallery wall, see what Framebridge has to offer! Get 15% off your first order with code FRAMEWORTHY15!
- Monogrammed L.L. Bean Totes: A couple years ago my sister bought Greta a set of Monogrammed Totes (in various sizes) from L.L. Bean. They are perfect to use when traveling to put all of Greta’s toys, clothes, diapers, etc. in.
- Personalized Gifts from Etsy: There are so many cute things you can personalize on Etsy for that special someone. You can find up to 60% off their cyber week deals HERE. Here are a few items that caught my eye!
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What are your favorite things to put in stockings? Comment and let me know! You can also find my STOCKING TUTORIAL HERE.
Also be sure to check out all my other gift guides HERE.

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